“Steve Ditko: Superhero of Johnstown,” a short film by WPSU’s talented producers Andy Grant and Chris Kugler, takes viewers to the Bottle Works Ethnic Arts Center in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where Ditko’s superhero origins began to unfold.
Outreach Blog
The collective source for the latest information about Penn State Outreach programs.
What is the story of Juneteenth? Why do we celebrate this newly designated federal holiday, and how is it connected to freedom, one of the most cherished American ideals? These were the questions answered during the virtual film screening and panel discussion, Juneteenth: Exploring Freedom’s Stories.
National Pollinator Week is a time to celebrate the important role that pollinators play in our ecosystem.
Sunny, the great horned owlet, has arrived at the Klingsberg Aviary at Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center with open wings.
During this event, panelists from Procter & Gamble and Penn State shared insights from their personal experiences as members of the AAPI community and provided advice on fostering a sense of belonging.
Thursday, May 18, is Pennsylvania Native Species Day. As it approaches, here are some things that you can do to celebrate!
In celebration of Women’s History Month and the many amazing women who make Penn State Outreach impactful throughout so many communities, we interviewed Patti Doroschenko from the Nittany AI Alliance.
The vision of Penn State Outreach is to engage and empower communities and individuals within the Commonwealth and beyond to become resilient, healthy, sustainable, and innovative. Here is a listing of just a few upcoming sustainability initiatives and events.
We are inspired by Amanda Smith, director of the K-12 Engagement Network for Penn State Outreach. We recently spoke with her about her new position and initiative for K-12 educators.
Our recognition of Women’s History Month and the achievements of women throughout Penn State Outreach continues with our conversation with Brynn Rousselin, Director of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Penn State.